
How tree-planting organisations are helping to recover the ecosystem

How tree-planting organisations are helping to recover the ecosystem

There are dozens of tree planting organisations around the world now partnering up and helping companies and businesses to go green, encouraging them to do their part in helping preserve and repair our planet. These organisations not only help the environment but also help to support the communities within those countries, by not only helping to make the place they live in a healthier place to be, but also provide jobs that help boost the local people and help them afford the necessities such as food, clean water, medicine and clothes!

One such organisation is the Eden Reforestation Project. This tree planting organisation works on planting trees in impoverished areas so that it not only aids in fixing the growing problem of deforestation that is happening globally, but also improves the relationship between the local community and their environment through an Employ to Plant methodology. This allows those communities to afford important necessities like food and medicine. Organisations like this help to create a more sustainable environment in general in these areas, therefore in the future the community will be more stable overall! We work closely with Eden Reforestation here at The Billion Trees Project at multiple locations across the world, this ensures that we are helping to slow this problem of deforestation on a more global scale.

Ecology is dedicated to bringing down CO2 emissions and reducing our collective carbon footprint. They also work with Eden Reforestation in the Madagascar location to help plant trees to achieve this goal. This charity allows you to choose from many different ways to offset your carbon footprint from your employees to the products you may sell, by planting trees through their service.

One Tree Planted is another great organisation that is dedicated to making the process of giving back to the environment easier for both individuals and companies, creating a healthier climate, protecting biodiversity and helping reforestation efforts after such disasters as floods and forest fires. This also helps to create a lot of jobs, aiding locals in being able to afford necessities such as food and clean water across the globe! The model that they use to do this is called “One-For-All”, this means that they will plant 1 tree for every sale or service sold on behalf of the company that they’re working with. Alternatively there are options to donate a percentage of sales or a recurring donation towards the organisation.

Organisations such as these are usually mostly funded through donors and working with businesses. Partnering up with any one of these is a very simple yet effective way to not only help repair our planet’s ecosystem, but also offset your business’ carbon footprint overall! Working with these organisations, or even us here at The Billion Trees Project, is extremely easy and there are many different ways to implement them into your business.


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